High-tech Technology Securing the best quality in the world with engine parts requiring high precision and stability
High-tech Technology Securing the best quality in the world with engine parts requiring high precision and stability
High-tech Technology Securing the best quality in the world with engine parts requiring high precision and stability
CEO's Greeting

The company complements technological innovation with technical know-how

Taechang Enterprise Co.,Ltd, established in 1985, specializes in producing and manufacturing 5C parts, such as Camshaft, Cylinder head/blocks and Con-rods, which are engine components requiring a high degree of precision and stability. We also specialize in manufacturing Chassis parts as well.

Taechang has always focused on the field of Research and Development, System certification and facility investment to realize our company’s mission:, globalization, product quality innovation and thinking innovation.

In order to be competitive during the 4th Industrial Revolution, we have worked hard to evolve into a future technology innovation leader including those related to light-weighting technology with new material, developed electric motor/generators and an automated robot production system.

To comply with the highest standards, we put our endless efforts
in the field of Research & Development for the improvement of
humankind through future cars. We expect continued support
and encouragement from you all.

Thank you


R&D Center

Moter & Generator

Talent management

Train global leaders for sustainable growth in the future.
We educate our employees to play an excellent role with systematic programs and corporate culture.


Join our talent

  • Passion

    Strive to be the best in
    the field with patience
    and hard work.

  • Creativity

    Have positive thinking and can
    easily adapt to changes and constant
    challenges with the passion to learn.

  • Harmony

    Value efficiency and contribute
    to the corporate culture through
    communication and convergence.